
Developed by Prof Weiliang Zhu's Laboratory

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Step 1. To set job title


Step 2. To select conformation files

MD trajectory(AMBER)   MD trajectory(GROMACS)   Conformational ensemble   PDB



Description of static pocket properties that can be calculated by D3pockets
recfile: the file name of protein
pitfile: the file name of each pocket
volume: the volume of each pocket (unit: cubic angstrom)
num_residue: the number of residues
second_H: the number of residues belonging to alpha helix
second_B: the number of residues belonging to beta sheet
asa: relative accessible surface area calculated by dssp (default standard: Sander and Rost 1994 https://doi.org/10.1002/prot.340200303, unit: square angstrom)
residue_depth: the average distance of the atoms of a residue from the solvent accessible surface (unit: angstrom)
hydrophilic: the number of hydrophilic residues
hydrophobic: the number of hydrophobic residues
hydrophobic_half: the number of hydrophobic residues whose depth is more than the half of maximum residue depth
HSE_UP: the total number of neighbor residues in the upper half sphere centered by each pocket residue
HSE_DOWN: the total number of neighbor residues in the lower half sphere centered by each pocket residue
stable: it's not defined in the current version, so the value is always null.
coverage: the fraction of ligand atoms contained in the pocket. if there is no ligand provided , the value will be null.


Step 3. To upload the file

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    1 MD trajectory(AMBER) : The uploaded file should be in a compressed format containing topology file saved as AMBER format "prmtop" and trajectory saved as AMBER trajectory format "mdcrd" with size of less than 50 MB. Sample File 1

    2 MD trajectory(GROMACS) : The uploaded file should be in a compressed format containing topology file saved as format "pdb" and trajectory saved as GROMACS trajectory format "xtc" with size of less than 50 MB. Sample File 2

    3 Conformational ensemble: the conformational ensemble should be generated by the script. Sample File 3

    4 PDB: The protein structure file(pdb file). Sample File 4

    5 If you want to upload larger job, please contact us.